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How do you prononunce...
I know it's Dutch, but I don't know the pr. Also, is it a form of Lucia?Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if only one remembers to turn on the lights
~J.K. Rowling
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How do you prononunce...  ·  Caprice  ·  1/16/2006, 2:56 PM
LOOS-yuh (m)  ·  Mar  ·  1/16/2006, 3:00 PM
Re: LOOS-yuh (m)  ·  Profe Esteban  ·  1/17/2006, 10:38 AM
Re: LOOS-yuh (m)  ·  Mar  ·  1/17/2006, 2:56 PM
Re: LOOS-yuh (m)  ·  Lumia  ·  1/17/2006, 11:08 AM
Dank u!  ·  Caprice  ·  1/16/2006, 3:21 PM