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Meaning or origin of the name Yahaira
I am also named Yahaira Born in 1980 and My aunt heard the name and told my parents about it. I was always told it meant Jewel or princess and it was from arabic background. I found a link that states it means Jewel.Meaning of "Yahaira"
Arabian nameIn Arabian, the name Yahaira means- jewel. The name Yahaira orginated as an Arabian name. The name Yahaira is most often used as a girl name or female name.Arabian Name Meaning - jewel
Origin - Arabia is all I know. :)
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Wow my mom always called me Jewel too as a nickname lol I also saw in hebrew it means God Enlightens also YAHweh is Gof and YAHshua is Jesus so YAH is very special and deep.
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wow first time i hear a good meaning of my name
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