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Pronunciation of Leolin?
I've been liking Leolin lately, but does anyone know how it's supposed to be pronounced?My first instinct was something like LEE-oh-lin, which I quite liked, but I'm not entirely sure if it's legitimate.I've also seen people say it should be LAY-oh-lin or LEE-lin.Does anyone have any ideas regarding which pronunciation is the right one? Or, if not, which one would be your intuitive pronunciation? And which one do you like best?Thanks!
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I don't know which is right for sure, but clicking on it and seeing what it is, I think LEE-oh-lin or lee-OH-lin make the most sense. Since it's supposed to have Leo in there and be like Llywelyn. I like either of the pronunciations I mentioned. Too bad I don't like Leo because Llywelyn (well, Llewellyn) is one of my favorite names of all time, so I'd be all over Leolin otherwise!

This message was edited 8/4/2011, 12:48 PM

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