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I am extremely curious as to the origin and meaning of this name. It was the middle name of an acquaintance of mine. If someone could lend me a hand deciphering its roots and meaning...I would be most appreciative. I have some idea that it may be of Greek origin.
Name: Sephirous
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it's weird and i don't like it
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I wasn't asking your opinion on it. I was asking for people to present me with root meanings.
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Indeed the name is of Greek origin and it's actually a form of the Latin form -"ZEPHYRUS"- of the ancient Greek name "ZEFYROS", from the Greek words "ZOFOS", "dark" or "west" and "EYROS", "wide". In Greek mythology ZEFYROS was the son of ASTRAIOS and IO and personification of the west wind.
"The cunning justifies, the silly insists, the clever admits."
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Kassios - can you please email me......pavlospan at gmail dot com
Thanks :)
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