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I'm also wondering about male Italian or Spanish name Ofilo, of Germanic root? Thank you!
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Ofilio seems to be a popular (ish) male name among Latino men. the meaning of this name is given as "friendship" (you're right, Siegfried!) and it seems to be a masculine version of "Ofelia/Ophelia".
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Ofilo? It doesn't sound like a legitimate Italian/Spanish name, but I could be wrong...
Are you sure it isn't something like Teofilo/Teófilo, Panfilo/Pánfilo, Ofelio or Odilo?
However, the "filo" part could be from Greek -philos, maning "lover", like in Theophilus, Philip, Philostratus, Philoteus.
Where did you find this name?
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Another idea!
If it really must be a Germanic name, it could be related to names like Wulfila/Ulfila/Ulfilas/Ulphilas/Orphila or Ulf/Ulv/Wolf/Ylva.
Their meaning is "wolf" (Ulfilas is a diminutive).
But that's just a guess, I haven't any proof for this relation...
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