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where does my name come from and last what does it mean!
Hello people! My name is Libier and iam a female ive never met anyone with my name or even close to it.Both of my parents are mexican but not grandma is mexican but my grandfather is french and spaniard.My moms parents.And my fathers parents are both mexican.Ive googled my name..and name of stores is what appears.If anyone knows any information about the name Libier please respond I will so much appreciate it.Thank you so much.
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Thank you all for responding my message.All your ideas were really helpful.Although Ive asked my mom where did she get my name from? and she said she got it from an aunt on my grandpas side but her name was with this "v" so it would be Livier, but she just changed it to the other "b" to make it differnt from hers.Ive never heard of her name either.
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If the original name was Livier, i wonder if it came from Olivier ?
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hi GHWell that does sounds very reasonable...gracias...
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Do you know anyone named Libier or Livier?Still haven't found where my name came from.Or what origin is it from and what does it mean.Has anyone atleast know anyone or heard of the name.Im a female.
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Its pronounced Lee-Bee-air (like if u were pronouncing the word air)I hope this will help..
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well I did some looking and I found the name Liber (without the extra I)
it is a Latin name. This name means: Another name for Dionysus. It is a male name
your parents could have like the name and added an extra i to make it look more girly
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Your name seems to be quite unusual. I can't find any reference for it. I think it would be useful to ask your parents where they took the inspiration for it. Sometimes, parents choose a name just because they like its sound or the way it looks, or maybe for even stranger reasons!
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Libier can be a Dutch last name, but in your case, your parents may have taken inspiration from Spanish words like libertad (liberty) when they named you!
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