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Pronounciation of Welsh name
I like the Welsh name Myfanwy ( female, means my woman), but am not sure how to pronounce it.
In one of my name books it says mi-VAN-wee, in another mi-FAWN-wy.
Anyone out there with good Welsh grammar?

This message was edited 12/8/2005, 8:50 AM

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'mi-VAN-wee' is right :-)_____________________________________________________________________Elinor'Why do people with closed minds, always open their mouths?'
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I grew up in Wales, it's mih-VAN-wee.
F's are pronounced as V's :)Alice
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You mean pronunciation, not grammar. :)I'm not completely sure of the quality of the vowels, but I do know that a single "f" in Welsh is supposed to be pronounced like the English "v". The English "f" sound must be spelled with a double f in Welsh, so for the second pronunciation to be correct the name would have to be spelled Myffanwy.
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