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Merula Silvia
I've just seen this combo, the name of the wife of actor Alec Guinness.
I love Silvia but Merula is weird - has anyone any thoughts on what it means? I see "Turdus Merula" (oh dear!) is the Latin name of the common blackbird.
There are a few girls called Merula on"The practice of romantic names has become a very general evil ... many unfortunate beauties, of the names of Clarissa and Eloisa, might have escaped under the less dangerous ... Elizabeth or Deborah" - Isaac D’Israeli
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I've read a biography of Guinness and a couple of his own memoirs, and I'm pretty sure it wa said at some point that her name was indeed meant to be Latin for "blackbird."
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Personally I would guess that this is the Latin word for "blackbird" used as a given name, adopted by some learned parents as an alternative for Merle when that French word for "blackbird" first became popular as a female name in England.
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Thanks so much. I'm sure you're right.
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