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Any information about the name GOODY?
The Jewish (modern Orthodox) author Blu Greenberg named her daughter "Goody" but pronounces it "Gu-dee" (Gu as in rhymes with glue). It's a cute name but I can't find any information on it's origin. What language is it from? Is it a family name? Meaning? etc., etc. Any information would be great. Thanks!!
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I believe (please correct me if I'm wrong) Goody started in the Puritan tradition of naming children after virtues and biblical names/words. Names like Faith, Grace, Prudence, and Goody were used for both genders.In the movie, The Passion of Darkly Noon, the title character says that his parents (who belong to a religious cult that allegedly derives from the Puritans) picked a word randomly from the Bible and that became his name.I found this on
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Puritan GoodyExcept Goody was generally not a NAME for the Puritans, it was a title, short for "Goodwife". You can find a lot of women referred to as Goody in old Puritan records, but it was really their form of "Mrs.", not a name.
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