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pronunciation help
I am wondering about the proper pronunciation of the following names, thank you for any help.
CAHAYA m & f Indonesian
CAHYA m & f Indonesian
CAI (1) m Scandinavian
CAI (2) m Welsh Mythology
CAJ m Scandinavian
CAJA f Danish
CHAO m Chinese
CHÂU f Vietnamese
CHAYA f Hebrew
CHI (1) f Vietnamese
CHI (2) m & f Mythology, Igbo
CHIYO f Japanese
CHUY m Spanish
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thank you to all! Very very helpful!
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Cai and Caj are pronounced KIE.
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CAI (2) is KIE (same as Kai)
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In Spanish, Chuy is pronounced CHOOY, a single syllable and not two.
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I know. That sounds like two syllables to me. You can't make the oo and ee sounds in one syllable. *shrug*
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Chaya would be have a very throaty h sound (I can't write the symbol on my computer) and be pronounced HAI-a (hai sounding like the i in night)
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thank you!mmm
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