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Pronounciation of Macon?
Is it Mace-on or Make-on?
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I've always assumed Make-on, as in Macon, Georgia. Name of the character from "Song of Solomon".
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gotta love that book! with names like Macon and Corinthians and Pilate and Sing! It's great!
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Macon could be pronounced both mace-on and make-on. Considering the fact that the C in Maçon, which gives the mace-on pronounciation, does not exist in written English people would spell it Macon even if they would not pronounce it like make-on. On the other hand, make-on is the logical English pronounciation of that spelling.
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It's Make-on, rhymes with bacon. Unless the c has a cedilla (a little hook under it), the other pronunciation would make no sense.
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I'd say Mace-on. It would sound very European that way. (:
vote up1vote down long as you're dead set on having everyone who ever reads the name mispronounce it.
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