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Japanese names + 1 Chinese name--meanings? (Kanji included)
I did a search in the site for some of the character names from the manga "Ghost Hunt," and was unable to find quite a few of them. If anyone knows more about them and can tell me the meaning and correct pronunciation, I would appreciate it.The Japanese characters come from the Wikipedia article on the manga (; I'm pretty sure that I copied the correct ones.Kazuya (一也) - Male character
Houshou (法生) - Male character
Masako (真砂子) - Female characterKoujo (興徐) - Male character; this character is Chinese, so I assume the name is too.
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From the unicode tables:You sent '一也法生真砂子興徐'4e00 ;Lo;0;L;;;;;N
*qit qit jat1 yi1 YI1 IL nhất ICHI ITSU HITOTSU HITOTABI HAJIME one; a, an; alone
4e5f 20063
iǎ jaa5 ye3 YE3 YA dã YA NARI MATA also; classical final particle of strong affirmation or identity
6cd5 27861
*biæp faat3 fa3 fa5 FA3 PEP pháp HOU HATSU HOTSU NORI OKITE NOTTORU law, rule, regulation, statute; France, French
751f 29983
*shræng saang1 sang1 sheng1 sheng5 SHENG1 SAYNG sinh SEI SHOU HAERU OU UMARERU life, living, lifetime; birth
771f 30495
*jin zan1 zhen1 ZHEN1 chân SHIN MAKOTO MAKOTONI MA real, actual, true, genuine
7802 30722
*shra saa1 sha1 SHA1 SA SA SHA SUNA sand; pebbles, gravel; gritty
5b50 23376
*tziə̌ zi2 zi5 zi3 ZI3 ZI5 CA tí SHI SU KO MI OTOKO offspring, child; fruit, seed of; 1st terrestrial branch
8208 33288
*xièng *xiəng hing1 hing3 xing4 xing1 XING1 XING4 HUNG hưng KYOU KOU OKORU OKOSU OKIRU thrive, prosper, flourish
5f90 24464
*ziu ceoi4 xu2 XU2 SE chờ JO OMOMURO slowly, quietly, calmly; composed, dignified
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According to the kanji given in my dictionary, Masako means "true sand child." ("ma" is "true", "sa" is "sand", and "ko" is "child")Houshou means "law life"("hou" is "law" and "shou" is "life")I was unable to find Kazuya.I don't know about Chinese, but the kanji for Koujo translated to "interest slowly" in Japanese. ("kou" meaning "interest" and "jo" meaning "slowly")Sincerely,
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