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Has anyone ever seen Arlena as a variant of Arlene? If so, how was if pronounced? Like Arlene with an "a" on the end, or ar-LAY-na, similar to how I would pronounce Helena?This might seem like a silly or stupid question, but I needed a name for a sim the other day and it popped into my head. I'm sure SOMEONE had to think of it before me, so now I'm curious. Thanks!
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Thank you all for your responses. I knew somebody somewhere had to have used the name :)
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R-lee-nuhI would think it's a variant of Arlene.
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Yes, I have seen Arlena. I think this is one name where each bearer would pronounce it her own way. Though I would guess most of them would use "ar-LEE-nuh", I wouldn't be surprised to run across one who preferred "ar-LAY-nuh".
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And in Croatia (and I guess other Slavic countries) it's 'AHR-leh-nah'. Just like Lena can have many different pronunciations depending on the language.
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