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three masculine Italian names (Alvis, Masseo & Monaldo)
I am currently reading a book about the life of St. Francis who lived from 1181/1182 to 1226 in Italy.
In the book men named Monaldo, Masseo and Alvis were mentioned.
Do you have any further information about these three names?
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Alvis seems very close to Alvise, which is in BtN's database as a variant of Louis.This page here:
explains Masseo as a variant of Matteo.Not sure about Monaldo. It has a sound as of Germanic origin. This page here of questionable reliability:
seems to hint at a combination of Old High German words munt and waltan, but I could not find a corresponding German name Mundwald which should probably result, only a Old High German common word 'mundwald' with a meaning of 'guardian' or 'custodian'.
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Thank you!I thought Masseo could be related to Matteo but could not find it. Thank you very much!
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Alvis is also in the database.Next time, search.
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That was not helpful.I think Rene did explain it very well.
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Indeed. Did you also *read* the etymology of Alvis? I thought it not very probable that somebody in 12th century Italy has a name with a Norse origin, like the name Alvis, written thus and in the database.Alvise, on the other hand, is still in use today in Italy.
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