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One of my professors at school has the first name Jaspreet. I searched our school directory to find out there are 3 of them, so I assume the name is somewhat common. The Jaspreet I know is a woman, 40-50s, and has a middle eastern background, likely Indian or Pakistani I assume by accent and dress.
Ty in advance for any help.
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Hi Silver,In the book "Sikh Baby Names" I found the meaning: Love of glory (jas = glory, preet = love)/ Satu
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Hey Satu, I got a quSince the order of the parts of the name are glory then love, whats the possibility of the name meaning 'glory of love' or in Sanskrit is it usually backwards.
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Sorry, forgot to mention the word order is the usual one in this context. The usual rule for compound nouns in Sanskrit is that the main word comes last: i.e. adjective before noun, object before action, etc. Stated another way jaspreet must either be a kind of preet (or its negation etc.), or related more closely (or equally closely if it were a conjunctive compound) to preet than to jas. In the rare cases where the rule is violated in Sanskrit, the resulting word becomes an `indeclinable' (declinations which mark the grammatical relation of the word in the sentence are suffixes but tend never to attach to non-primary element in a compound), and often act as adverbs of place or time etc., not as nouns.
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Ty, i will submit the name,
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