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I looked up the meaning of the name Asia and found a site which said it was Greek for 'sunrise'. Now I know that some of these internet baby name sites are incorrect so I was just wondering if anyone could confirm this definition for me? The names database on this site just said may derive from the Assyrian word for 'east' Also I am interested in finding out any information about the name Aja. How do you pronounce it? Thank you!
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I believe Aja means goat. It is pronounce like asia. I love the name, but can't name my kid "goat" lol
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The name Asia is of Greek origin and indeed means 'sunrise'. The Assyrians also used that Greek word. In Greek mythology, Asia was a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, mother of Prometheus, Atlas and Menoitios, gave her name to the continent Asia. Asia was also an epithet of goddess Athena in Lakonia region,(Sparta, South Arcadia, etc.) and the name of Themistokles daughter.
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Thank you! I never realised it was a Greek name! I think it has a beautiful meaning.
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Aja is usually pronounced just like Asia, afaik. Shania Twain's son is called Aja, if that interests you. But that's all I know, sorry.
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Asia (AHSH-ah) is also a Polish pet form of JoannaJoanna --> Joasia --> Asia~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

This message was edited 11/25/2005, 7:20 PM

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