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I don't know where I got this name from...
Ríogbhardán.I don't know where I got this name from, although I definitely know that I picked it up in another name list...although I don't know which one...It's a male name, definitely. It's the name for one of my characters. I don't know it's origins but I can' help thinking it may be of Scottish/Celtic origin although I've looked it up on the Internet and I can't find anything on it. If anyone knows anything about this name than I'll be very grateful for your help. And any pronounciation tips would be appreciated as well.
-------------------------------------------------“Ah, if children only had the means, what different histories they would form of themselves!”

------Frederic Tuten, Tintin in the New World
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Did you copy it correctly - might it have been Ríoghbhardán? Anyway it would be said Ríordán - Ree-r-daun - the g/gh and the bh being silent.
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'Kay, nevermind. Speranza's answer makes much more sense and I'd believe her over me. :)

This message was edited 11/2/2009, 8:55 AM

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can't find any thing on my name
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