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Beata as a nickname for Beatrice?
I have an ancestor named Beata (sometimes appears as Beatea). She is Swedish. I was doing some research and came accross her in a record where she was listed as Beatrice. Is Beata also a nickname for Beatrice in Sweden, or is it more likely that it was a mistake in translation?"It's the job that is never started that takes the longest to finish." - J.R.R. TolkienVOTE on my Name List

This message was edited 10/29/2009, 11:59 AM

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How long ago did she live? I think sometimes similar names were seen as almost interchangeable. I know, for example, that in England Ann and Agnes (which was pronounced "Annis" in the old days) were often seen as the same name and someone might appear in once document as Ann, another as Annes or Annis, and another as Agnes.
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That's a good point. 1636-1693. I'd say she fits into that category.
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