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How would you pronounce the name Angelika(an-JEL- i-ka) or (ahn-zhe-LEE- ka) or (ahn-je-LEE-kah)Personally, I like all 3, but am beginning to prefer the middle pronunciation. How would you instinctively pronounce the name? Which way do you think sounds best? Which pronunciation sounds more sophisticated?And, what are your overall thoughts on it!?

This message was edited 9/10/2009, 4:50 AM

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Angelika used to be a very common name here in Germany. Most Angelikas are in their 50s now. Here it is pronounced ahn-GAY-lee-kah (the G is harsh) so I would pronounce it that way as well.I think an-JEL-i-ka sounds best, but to get that pronunciation I'd go with the Angelica spelling.Hope this helped ;)
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yes, thanks for the reply!
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