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A peculiar request
So I have this friend named Daniel and he recently told me how much he liked the Celtic spelling of his name. Now for the life of me I can't remember how he spelled it because he rattled off the letters so fast, but I would really like to know. All I remember is that there is a letter in the name not found on a typical keyboard (perhaps something like the "a" and "e" combined. I'm really sorry I don't know what that letter is called and am feeling rather stupid right now) and I think he said there was an accent on one of the letters. I am really hoping that someone can help me out. I have been searching google and this website was the closest thing I found to what I was looking for. If someone could please help me find the celtic spelling of Daniel I would be so grateful! Hopefully I will recognize it when I see it.
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A peculiar request  ·  Kaitlin  ·  9/3/2009, 8:37 PM
Re: A peculiar request  ·  summerRaine  ·  9/4/2009, 10:51 AM
Re: A peculiar request  ·  Pie  ·  9/4/2009, 3:03 PM
Re: A peculiar request  ·  Lumia  ·  9/4/2009, 11:58 AM
Perhaps...  ·  Llewella  ·  9/4/2009, 1:17 PM
Re: Perhaps...  ·  Lumia  ·  9/5/2009, 3:26 AM
Re: A peculiar request  ·  Pie  ·  9/4/2009, 5:31 AM