In Spanish-speaking countries, it is very usual to find first names spelled incorrectly (Gustabo, Migel...) and English (
Michel...) or pseudo-English (Deici, Leidi...) first names.
And it is usual, too, to choose the English form of a first name instead of the Spanish form. (If you are interested about the phenomenon of the use of foreign names, I can search for some links of articles about this, because it is a subject very annotated by Spanish linguist and Spanish names experts.)
But this doesn't mean that this forms are legit Spanish names. There is a lot of Joshuas in Spanish-speaking countries, but the Spanish form is
Joshua still be a foreign form (an English form).
Nowadays, the only correct form of the name in Spanish is
Javier, with J and V.
Remind: in Spanish, first names are subject to
RAE (Academy) spelling rules and the possible graphical variants of a first name are very limited. So, in Spanish (as in other languages as Basque, Catalan, etc.), there are
some correct forms of names and
some incorrect forms.
http://onomastica.mailcatala.comThis message was edited 11/17/2005, 7:37 AM