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pronounciation of Mariantonia and Clarangela
I wonder how these two names are being properly pronounced. Unfortunately I don't have any further information about Mariantonia and Clarangela.
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In Italian Mariantonia would be Mareea-nTO-neea and Clarangela ClarAngela with a soft "g". Neither is common in Italy.
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They're just combinations of Maria + Antonia and Clara + Angela. So they'd be pronounced thus, but with a bit of a contraction.
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Clara-Angela or Clar-Angela?Thank you! But how many "a"s do you pronounce?
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It'd have to be like Clar-Angela because there's only one a in the middle.
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That seems logical to meThank you! I think I will have to be patient. Maybe I am going to meet someone in the future who is able to pronounce these names. For some reason I have a hard time to imagine the pronounciation.
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Would it help...If I typed out the pronunciation that I'm using?mar-ee-AN-jel-a and clar-AN-jel-a
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Thank you! It helped.
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