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Can someone settle an argument about the pronunciation of Lucian please? My DH and I have completely different ways of pronouncing it.____________________________________________________________
Me Kylie Ann
DH Jaye Lewis Fraser
DD Jessica Ann Moirene
DS Jay Bradley (dec)
DS Lachlan Daniel (dec)
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I'd be incline to pronounce it LU-cee-an, though I guess you could pronounce it LU-she-an as well? I don't seen how there could be very different ways to pronounce it.
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I pronounce it LOO-shen, and I think that's the only way I've heard it said too.
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I think most of the time in the USA I hear people pronouncing Lucian as "LU-shen" or "LU-shyen" in two syllables. (The "y" in the phonetic spelling of the second alternative is a consonant glide sound like that in "yes".)
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