I know that Americans pronounce
Tatiana as ta-tee-AH-na. However, I met a woman the other day with a Russian accent who had a little girl name
Tatiana and she was calling her ta-SHAH-na. Is that correct or did she just change the pronunciation?
It makes sense that
Tatiana would be ta-SHAH-na anyway. It just follows the rules of correct grammar for the sound of 'tia' when set in the middle of a word. We don't say POR-tee-ah for
Portia, rather POR-shah. The same goes for the word Martian. We don't sat MAR-tee-an. So I don't see why
Tatiana should be different. Please help be understand the ta-tee-AH-na pronunciation and why it makes more sense grammatically than ta-SHAH-na!