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How to pronounce Kallistrate?
I've looked Kallistrate up but can't seem to find any information.Thank you!Vote on my brand new name list! Updated often~
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"kall-e-STRAH-tee" would be my guess.
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Thank you! ^-^
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The T sounds similar to a D though in Modern Greek, so it's closer to kah-lee-SDRAH-dee. I haven't found any sites that have the exact stress, so I am not possitive on that part of it. However, related names in Greek have the stress mark on that particular syllable, so it is a pretty educated guess. Perhaps Pavlos could enlighten us.
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Thank you! :) I really like that pronunciation.

This message was edited 2/24/2009, 7:21 AM

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Seeing as it's Greek, I would pronounce it ka-LIH-struh-tee.
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Thank you!
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that is gay
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