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feminine variations of Caesar
I'm searching for feminine veriations of Caesar. I've only found Cesarina on here and didn't know if anyone else knows of an others. Thanks.
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I know of Caesarea, a city name that is derived from Caesar. There are many cities called this because they used to be part of the Roman Empire.
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The Ancient Roman feminine form of Caesar was Caesaris.
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I am looking for where the name Zuriel originated from. I know the meaning ( God is a Rock). Is it Greek, Hebrew,Roman...? Thank you for your help.
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This has got zip to do with feminine variations of Caesar. Start your own thread, hijacker.
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I'm having a tough time making pronunciation guides so they are approximate.French forms: Césarie (say-sah-REE) and Césarine (say-sah-REEN)In France Césarie was used 80 times between 1900 and 2003 and Césarine was used 1620 times between those years including 3 times in 2003.
Polish forms: Cezaria (tseh-ZAH-ryah) and Cezaryna (tseh-zah-RIH-nah)
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I know of Cesária (as in Cesaria Évora, the singer).

This message was edited 2/16/2009, 5:44 AM

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This is probably a silly question, but is that pronounced say-zar-ee-uh? Thanks.
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