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pronounciation on Hecate
If I'm not mistaken, Hecate was the goddess of witchcraft, along with a lot of other things. Is it HEH-kat or heh-KAH-te or something else? I think it's Greek, if that helps..
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In Greek, I'd say "heh-KAH-teh", but in English maybe "he-KAY-tee".
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According to Pavlos, our resident Master of All Things Greek:, according to Wikipedia (take with a grain of salt!), Hecate "was originally a goddess of the wilderness and childbirth" before later acquiring a much darker aspect. I love the name and therefore prefer to focus on this earlier, more positive incarnation.
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I believe the Ancient Greek pronounciation would have been HEH-ka-teh or Heh-KAH-teh.
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HEK-uh-tee in English (as the site lists), eh-KAH-tee in Modern Greek
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I don't know if it's correct, but I would pron. it heh-KAY-tee.
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I've always heard and said it as hek-ah-tee, emphasis on either AH or TEE (for me anyways). There's this link - and of couse the name is on this site- Hecate.
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