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Meaning of Japanese boy's name - Yojiro
Am trying to find out the meaning of Yojiro, my mother (who is Japanese) says we can't name our son this because it means fourth son and he is our first, but then also says the meaning depends on which characters you use? Does anyone know the possible options? Thanks
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I suppose if your mother is Japanese, she knows what she's talking about. But - I really can't find Yojiro as meaning fourth son. Especially the "Jiro" part usually indicates "second son" - which would still be weird for the first son though ;)I think there has been a confusion between "Jiro" (second son) and "Shiro" (fourth son). It would be better to clear this up first, because those two names - Yojiro and Yoshiro would be pronounced differently and have different meanings/kanji as well. (if you care about this)I could find one (existing) possible Kanji spelling of Yojiro, that does not indicate which son it is ^^;与治郎It uses the characters for "present/gift (something you receive)", "heal, get well, manage" and "son". While Yoshiro can be written as:喜郎 or 吉郎 or 義郎using the characters of "happiness" or "lucky" or "righteous" and "son".In all of these names the character of son "郎" can also be replaced by 朗 meaning "clarion, melodious, bright, cheerful" etc. The pronunciation is the same.Maybe show this to your mother and get her opinion on it. :)
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