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The Meaning of the name Tiago
My faince and I have decided on the name Tiago for our son. We would love to know more about the names meaning and history. I know that i have read that someone said that it meant "God's Creativity", "God's Left-Hand", "God's Heel", and "The Strongest", along with a few other meanings. But I would like to know where these meanings come from and if they are true meanings. Anyone have any idea? I know that is a the Portuguese and Spanish forms of both Jacob and Santiago. Thanks in advance!
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Hello Would you please tell me about the meaning of and the history of these name:tanya,tania,sonya or sonia Thanks for reply please send the answer to my email:javan_javan60
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First of all:It's not that hard to look up names in the database. Also: Make a seperate post, don't respond to someone elses.
And third: People can just respond to other's posts right here. No one needs to E-mail you.Here's a link for Tonya:
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When a name is a form of another name, it has the same meaning, so in this case Tiago means the same thing as Jacob, see this link:
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Tiago is a derivation from latin name Santiago (from Sancti Jacob). In linguistic we call this process "aphéresis". In search of certain originality, many latin parents began to name their children with this name: Tiago. Regards.
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