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The male name Procopius.
I am researching the origin and meaning of this name, but it's not easy: I can't even tell whether this name is a genuine Latin name, a latinized Greek name or a latinized Arabic/Hebrew name. I hope that someone here will be able to tell me more, but let me first tell you some of my own theories.Well, I think that it is safe to say that this first name consists of two stems. However, it's uncertain what they originally were: was it proco and pius, or pro and copius (or other variations)? Therefore, if it is a latinate name, then there are two possibilities to explain the meaning of the name. The first possibility is that this name is a combination of the Latin elements procus "suitor" (or procos "to turn forward") and pius "pious, dutiful." The second possibility is that the name consists of the Latin elements pro "before, for, forth, forward" and copia "abundance."If the name is a latinized Greek name (the form Prokopios has also been documented, though that could also be a hellenized form instead), then it could be derived from Greek pro "before" and Greek kopos "labor, trouble, toil, fatigue."If the name is a latinized Arabic or Hebrew name (which I think is the least likely), then I wouldn't know what it could have been derived from. I'm merely basing this on the fact that some historic bearers of this name came from places that are located in what is today Israel and Palestine.Well, that's all that I have been able to come up with. Perhaps someone here will have better luck - I certainly hope to hear about it. :)Thank you in advance for your time,Jörmungandr

"How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on... when in your heart you begin to understand... there is no going back? There are some things that time cannot mend... some hurts that go too deep... that have taken hold." ~ Frodo Baggins
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The male name Procopius.  ·  Jörmungandr  ·  11/29/2008, 6:42 PM