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Pronounciation of...
Xerazade (I thought Shair-a-zawd, but don't know)
(just click on them for the origin)A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy? -Albert Einstein

This message was edited 11/14/2008, 11:11 PM

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In Persian, Shahrazad is pronounced shaw-raah-zahd, Shahrizad is shaw-ree-zahd, and Shahrzad is shaar-zahd. The first two are both variants of the last one (and not any other way around), if I am not mistaken. All three have almost even emphasis on the syllables, with the last syllable in each having just a little more weight than the others. It's not heavy enough to warrant upper/lower cases, but there is a definite slight weight on the last syllable. It's very difficult to explain; you would have to hear it spoken in order to really understand.In English, it's sheh-he-reh-ZAWD, but that's just our Anglicized pronunciation.
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I know of one Scheherazade (though it could also be Sheherazade, I never asked for the spelling) and she pronounces it she-he-rah-SAH-de.
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