How to pronounce Finnish Inkeri and Finnsih Aune?
I have no idea on how to pronounce them.
I want to know god's thoughts... the rest are details.-Albert Einstein
I want to know god's thoughts... the rest are details.-Albert Einstein

You can listen to Aune here:
If you type Inkeri here: then click "Kuuntele puhe" you can hear the pronunciation.
If you can't hear those, Aune is pronounced like AH-oo-neh, but said quickly (AH-oo, is like ou when one says ouch, but with a slightly more stress on the AH). Inkeri is IN-keh-ree (R is rolled). The first I sound is hard to describe because it is a bit longer than IN, but not as long as EEN. In Finnish, the stress is always on the first syllable.
If you type Inkeri here: then click "Kuuntele puhe" you can hear the pronunciation.
If you can't hear those, Aune is pronounced like AH-oo-neh, but said quickly (AH-oo, is like ou when one says ouch, but with a slightly more stress on the AH). Inkeri is IN-keh-ree (R is rolled). The first I sound is hard to describe because it is a bit longer than IN, but not as long as EEN. In Finnish, the stress is always on the first syllable.
That is a neat site! Thanks! :)
As far as I know IN-ke-ree and OW-ne, the Rs are trilled. But keep in mind that I'm not a Finn and only have been there once. I do have a Finnish best friend, though.