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The name Novian
Hello Mr. Campbell. My name is Corey Douglas and my wife and I are expecting our first child. Through all of the years that we were dating, I told her that if I ever had a son I would want to name him NOVIAN. I herd this name years ago on one of my favorite t.v. shows "A Different World." My wife always told me that she liked the name but now she is having second thoughts because we are really going to have a child. I've tried to research this name to find out the origin of the name and the meaning of it if there is one. I don't know where else to turn. I check many baby names web sites and when I type the name in, is says that there are no matches found. Any help that you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I got the name from A Different World too! My son Novian was born September 1992. I love his name and Novian is tall like a Tree! Ha...who knew? Novian SeDale my tall, dark, and handsome baby! All social media platforms: @Novaakan3
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Etymologically, I see Nova + -ian [belonging to, mas.].
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As a surname, Novian seems to be very rare. But it does seem to be German, and originally to be that of a family from Mainz in Germany, as shown by the following website: tend to think that the writers of "A Different World" created the name Novian for the character on their own, and that its resemblance to this rare German family name is pure coincidence.
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I found that it is a surname. Possibly German ancestry (judging by the first names of the family).Also, it is the English adjective used to describe people from Porto Novo, India. Novo being Portuguese for "new."It reminds me of Star Wars. :)'novian_Republic
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thanks for the info. Do you like the name for a boy, or do you the the child would be made fun of?
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I know this thread is extremely old. But I was browsing around because someone just asked me what my name meant, and I've never quite had a good explanation. My name, by the way, is in fact Novian. I can tell you from experience that I have loved my name and never once was made fun of for it. At one time, I did have a school project many years ago where we were asked to explain the origin of our names. I was able to find the origin to come from the European area as a more common surname. If it does originate from Germany more specifically, I don't know. The meaning was explained as a "tree god" named Novian. Although, this was many years ago and I have not been able to back it up since. I believe the name has brought me a very unique quality that makes quite a few people remember me more easily. I hope your did grace your child with the name because I know it'll be one that he will enjoy for a lifetime.
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Hello, I know it’s been a couple years as well but my son was born April of 2021 & I named him Novian. I don’t remember how I found it but the moment I saw it, I knew I loved it. The name fits my son perfectly & it’s truly beautiful and to me it sounds royal. I wanted my son to have an Elegant name and this one is perfect.
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You're welcome. I wouldn't say I like the name, but it's not bad. I'd rather see a little boy named Novian than Jayden or Brayden or Aiden. If you want more people's opinions, you could ask over on the opinions board.

This message was edited 9/24/2008, 11:26 AM

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I like Nicholas.
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?That has nothing to do with this discussion.
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