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Nymph of the Mulberry tree in Greek mythology.
Is it pronounced moh-REE-ah or MOR-ee-ah?Please vote on my names (updated frequently):
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Judging from the text listed on the Wikipedia article on the place of Morea (take them for what they're worth), I am very inclined to say moh-REH-ah (it is not REE). The only other site I have found so far with the Greek script in reference to the nymph is this one, but it is without the stress marks:
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That's the only article I could find, too.I'm confused, because the only pronunciation I found was this:
It is written as mô rē′ə and the audio is more like MOR-ee-ah.
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The pronunciation offered at that siteis the English one, not the original Latin one. As Marija Luminitsa said, the Latin pronunciation of the -e- is [e] (eh), not [i] (ee).
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