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Does anyone know what Smiljan means?That's a slavic (serbo-croatian) name and it seems to be pretty common in the Balkans, but I don't know what it means. I found something about it on an old message that was posted a couple of years ago - see - and, in general, it seems to be a 'flower/fruit/herbal inspired name in Croatian', but there's no hint about its meaning.
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According to this site about Croatian names (, Smiljan is a male name that comes from the noun ‘smilje’, which is a name of a plant (lat. antennaria dioica).
Picture of the plant:’s a relatively common name in Croatia where it is in the first 500. Other forms of the name and nicknames include: Cane, Cano, Canko, Mile, Mili, Milo, Milko, Miljan, Smiljo, Smiljko.The female form is Smiljka, Smiljana.

This message was edited 9/10/2008, 7:54 AM

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Thanks a lot for the info!!
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