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I was reading a book, and there was a (male) character in it named Detjens. I was wondering if anyone here knew of the origin or even the pronunciation of it? I was thinking "deh-YENS" and that maybe it's a form of Jens. I don't have any clues as to the ethnic background of the character.Thank you in advance!Jen

Me: *hums Pinball Wizard*
Michael: Who played that song?
Me: Yeah.
Michael: Huh?
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In Germany, Detjens is a surname; I have never heard of Detjens as a first name. This wouldn't make much sense, as DETJENS is a patronym of Detje, itself a Frisian pet from of names beginning with D(I)ET-, mostly Dietrich. DIET goes back to Old HIgh German "thiot," people, and is related to "Deutsch" as well as "Dutch."
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Ah! Thank you!Now that you've said that, it occurs to me that it could have been a last name. The author called the girl "Grace" and the other guy "O'Brien", so there was a fifty-fifty chance.Thank you for your help, Andy!
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