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Bevan in Australia + NZ
the men's triathlon was on this morning and I noted the name of one of the competitors, a New Zealander called Bevan Docherty, thinking it was interesting to see Bevan as a first name. Watching men's hockey this evening I was surprised to see one of the competitors, an Australian, was called Bevan George. I googled a bit just there thinking I had heard wrong, or it might just be coincidence, and found more Australian Bevans. Is there a reason why it's so popular there? What intrigues me more, is that under the comments section for the name on this site, someone has written that "In Australia, a bevan is a person who is a bit rough around the edges. Like a Yobbo. Please, if you are mvong to Oz and plan to have a child, do not name them this."Is this maybe just a regional thing?

*~ As bees flee hame wi' lades o' treasure, the minutes wing'd their way wi' pleasure ~*
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The only reason I can offer you about the popularity of Bevan in Australia and New Zealand is it's Welsh origin. Most Austalians and NZers are of British descent so it makes sense for them to choose Welsh/English/Irish/Scottish names. I had a quick flick through the data base and there aren't that many Welsh names that I could say are popular. Bronwen/Bronwyn, Tegan, Tristan, Vaughn, and Wynne are the only ones jumping out at me as popular. But even then I would say well known rather than popular. Same goes with Bevan. I didn't think Bevan Docherty's name was at all unusual, but I have only known a handful of Bevans.Also, I wouldn't take those comments seriously. It was an anonymous user anyway. I had a quick look at a few Aussie slang dictionaries and couldn't see anything about Bevan. I certainly haven't heard the term. I am from New Zealand BTW, so maybe an Australian could answer this question better.
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thankshad given up on a reply loli take it there's no definitive explanation then, it just has more currency as a first name over there than here. Maybe it is because of a more conscious effort to use names relating to Welsh ancestry.
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