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My name relation to KARMA?
Hello to the website's owner and to each soul members,
I have began my own search for my family's salvation and my own in relation to true spirituality.I have searched meaning of my name and parents since they are my inmediate source to LIFE.It is amazing and in my logic all names align according to how perceive its message.I am a very complex person due to a several factors which I find very complex or complicated because I chose to explore through the unknown path."THE MIND".Bear with me,please.....Is there a conncetion between OUR NAMES CHOSEN+OUR PARENTS NAMES+OUR ASTROLOGY SIGN+FAMILY'S KARMA+OUR BLUEPRINTS CHOSEN+OUR ENLIGTHMENT MOMENT+ AND SALVATION....It may be ridiculous to all of you or maybe one of you may conncect with at least.It os ok.I respect you all. I AM MYSTICALWORLD25, my real name is EMMANUEL SALVADOR...born a male gender,.....made an identity change due to my "gender condition"..and I adopted an alias "PALOMA VERONICA" since my I change my living habitat as a female soul. Since I was a young child I felt this way.I never felt what a "regular male gender "felt"relating to sexuality behavior...I have began this search because a "NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE" I had which changed my life.And because I am very honest to admit that I have a psycological unbalance in my actual existence.I was aware since I was 7 years old.I am not a violent,nor criminal,nor a destructive soul,nor a rapist.The Light Of The Universe knows I revere LIFE in ALL FORMS. I hope to find souls who can connect with me or maybe a direction to a link. I f I am in the erroneous site, inform me. Kindly thanking you, EMMANUEL SANCHEZ aka PALOMA VERONICA
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My name relation to KARMA?  ·  Mystical25  ·  10/9/2005, 5:22 PM
Re: My name relation to KARMA?  ·  Anneza  ·  10/10/2005, 6:43 AM