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Off topic: Anagrams of "Albanian Pride" :)
With all due respect to my Albanian friends ;)Albanian pride
Ape-brain in lad
Banal, dire pain
Rabid, inane pal
Drainable painNot relevant, but fun:
Liberian panda
Indian parable
Bad in airplane
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Oh, Greek One strikes again!
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Pavlos, do *Albanish* Pride! LOL!
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OK! Here goes:Albanish Pride
Piranhas! I bled!
Hindi parables
Hairpin blades
Pinhead libras
Drainable hips (Liposuction?)
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Lol at Piranhas! I bled! That's great.
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Liberian panda!!! ROTFLMAO!!!nm
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: DI haven't been on the general message board for a while, and I just clicked on it and found it in disarray! ; )I like banal, dire pain. And I guess I'll have to start coming here more often, now. I don't want to miss out on any more hijinks and/or shenanigans.*([{Americish Pride}])*
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