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Do you have a albanian name: Over 60 names
Ana, Ann: the names is dervied from the albanish ANA or ANE meaning SIDE.Alban, Albana: the name ALBANI is derived from the name of an Illirian tribe called the ARBBR, or ARBERESHE, and later ALBANOI, that lived near Durres. This ilirian name is much more older than the Roman family Albanius which meant FROM ALBA in Latin. The land ALBANIA means LAND OF THE HIGHLANDERS in albanish.Albert, Alberta: a combination of alb from the name Alban and the albanish word BERTAS meaning SCREAM.Albelena: a combination of ALB from the name Alban and the albanish words E LENE meaning THE GIRL WE LEFT.Albulena: a combination of ALB from the name Alban and the albanish word U LEN meaning BORNE.Alberina: a combination of ALB from the name Alban and the albanish word RRIN meaning STAY.Alberie: a combination of ALB from the name Alban and the albanish word E RIA meaning NEW.Aleksander, Aleksandra: the names dervied from the illirian KA LE SI ANDER in albanish KA LE SI ENDERR then there is another illirian word KA LE SI ANDRA it is a feminine form, in albanish KA LE SI ENDRRA meaning BORNE LIKE A DREAM.Ardian, Ardiana: dervied from the illirian ARDIA or ARDIAN in albanish ARDHJA or ARDHJEN meaning FUTURE. There was a illirian tribe that was named ARDIAEI. In the east Italy there was Illyrian tribe Peucetii that build the twon Hadria and gave it the name. HADRIANUS means FROM HADRIA in latin. Today the twon is named ADRIA and it was this twon how give the name to the ADRIATIC SEA.Arber, Arbera, Arberie: the name dervied from the illirian tribe ARBERI.Arrina/e, the name is dervied from the albanish A RRINA meaning SHOULD WE STAY.Atlant, Atlanta: the names is dervied from the albanish AT LAN meaning THE FATHER ABANDONED.Atalanta: The name ATA LANTA dervied from the pelasigian or the illiran words in albanish ATE LENE meaning THE FATHER ABANDONED.Atenna: the name is dervied from the albanish AT ENNA meaning FATHER'S NINE.Athina, Athena: the name is dervied from the pelasigian ATHINE in illirian ATHANA and in albanish ETHENE meaning WISE WORD.Akilles: the name dervied from the pelasgian AK I LLES in albanish AQ I LEHT meaning SO LIGHT.Achilles: the name dervied from the illirian ACH I LLES in albanish AQ I LEHT meaning SO LIGHT.Afrodite: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian AFRO DITE in albanish AFER DITES meaning NEAR THE DAY.Debora: the name is dervied from the albanish DEBORE meaning SNOW. The names DOBORAH and DEBRA is form of other languages.Sylena: the name is dervied from the albanish SY LENE meaning LEAVE THE EYES.Lena: the name is dervied from the albanish LENE meaning LEAVE.Elena: the name is dervied from the albanish E LENE meaning THE GIRL WE LEAVE.Helena: the name is dervied from pelasgian word HE LENA in ilirian HE LENA in albanish E LENE meaning THE GIRL WE LEAVE.Hera: the name is dervied from the pelasgian or the illirian HERA in albanish ERA meaning WIND.Syzana: the name is dervied from the albanish and it is a combination with the word SY meaning EYES and the other word ZANI meaning SOUND.Sarand, Saranda: a city in Albania. The name is dervied from a saint, SANKT QUARANDA, it from the saint that the city got the name from.Vlora: a city in Albania. The name is dervied from the greek AULONA meaning Unknown. In gheg albanish the name VLORA havs another form VLONA, a 'N' insted for a 'R'. In italian the city is named VALLONA.Lissus: Lissa, Lisa: a town in Albania is called LEZHE in the ancinte times LISSUS. Lissa is a italian form of the town Lezhe. The name Lisa is dervied from this albanish twon. The LEZHE dervieds maybe from the albanish LESH meaning HAIR.Catarina: the name is possibly dervied from the illirian tribe CATARI. The illirian queen Teuta was call'd queen CATHERINE the great of Illyria.Chris, Kris: the name is dervied from the illirian KRITHEN, KRHI or KRIE in albanish KRYE meaning HEAD and the other gheg illirian word ESTI in gheg albanish ESTHE meaning OF. There is a hindu god named Krishna means "black, dark" in Sanskrit. KRHI ESTI I KRISHNAS meaning THE HEAD OF KRISHNAS. There is a story about how the illirian word came to Asia and created the name Christ that Jeusu was named.Christus, Kristus: CHRISTOS is a greek form for CHRIST.Christopher, Kristopher: a combination with the name CHRIST and in LATE Greek CHRISTOS PHEREIN meaning BEARING CHRIST.Christina, Kristina: a complicated combination of the name CHRIST or KRIST with name KRISHNA.Casander, Casandra: the name is dervied from the illirian KAS ANDER or KAS ANDRA in albanish QES ENDRER or QES ENDRRA. The word QES in unknown but the word ENDRER or ENDRRA means DREAM.Constanta; the name is dervied from the illirian CONST ANTA in albanish KUSH ENDE means possibly HOW IS LEFT.Yllbert, Yllberta: the name is dervied from the albanish YLLI BERTAS meaning SCREAMING STAR.Paul, Paula: the name is dervied from the illirian PAU HYLLI or PA HYLLI in albanish PA YLLI meaning WITHOUT NO STAR.Pausanias: the name is dervied from the illirian PAU SANI in albanish PA ZANI meaning WITHOUT NO VOICE. Pausanias was a historian from Macedonia in the ancinte times.Peter, Petra: the name is possibly dervied from the illirian that was spooken in east of Itali. In albanish the name Peter havs another form PJETER the names comes from the word JETE meaning LIFE in illirian the name havs the same form PJETER.Pela: a city that was the capital city of macedonian in the ancinte times. The name is dervied from PELASG people (PELA-SG), an old people how lived in Greece before the greeks did. This people is the albanian most oldest four fathers. PELASG is old word in albanish PLEGE meaning OLD or OLD PEOPLE.Pelagia: the name is dervied from the people PELASGIA in albanish PLEGE means OLD.Promethee: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian PRO ME THEE in albanish PRUE ME DHE meaning BRING WITH EARTH.Penelope: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian PENE E LOPE in albanish PENE E LYPE meaning THE ONE WHO ASKS THREAD.Sicilia: the name is dervied from the illirian or even the albanish. It is a combination of the word SI meaning LIKE and the other word I CIlI meaning WHO.Laerte: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian LA ERTE in albanish LE UTRTE meaning BORN QUIET OR VERTUOUS.Hades: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian HA DES in albanish HA DEKS meaning EATING DEATHS.ODYSSE: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian ODYSEE in albanish UDHES meaning TRAVLER.Tartare: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian TAR TARE in albanish TERR TERR meaning DARNESS FROM DRAKNESS.Telemaque: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian TE LE MAQUE meaning YOU GOT A BOY AS CHILDREN.Theodora: the name dervied from the illirian THEO DORA in albanish THYEJ DORA meaning BREAKER HAND.Triton, Trita: the name dervied from the pelasigian or the illirian TRITA in albanish DRITA meaning LIGHT.Byzance: the name dervied from the illirian BYZ ANCE in albanish BUZE ASHT meaning THE LIPS OF, it is a complicated word combination.Macedon: the name dervied from the illirian MA CE DON in albanish MA KE DHEN meaning YOU HAVE SAID IT.Ajax: the name is dervied from the illirian AJAX in albanish GJAXES meaning THE MAN HOW LIKE BLOOD.Ares: the name is dervied from the pelasgian or the ilirian ARES in albanish ERZ or EREZ meaning PRIDE.Thetis: the name dervied from the pelasgian or the THETIS in albanish DETI meaning SEA.Linda: the name is dervied from the albanish LINDJA meaning BIRTH.Barbara: the name is dervied from the albanish BARABAR meaning THE SAME.Besa: the name is dervied from the albanish BESE meaning UPWRIGHT.Sabrina: the name is dervied from the albanish SA BRINE meaning SO MANY HORNS.Sandra: the name si dervied from the illirian SA ANDRA in albanish SA ENDRRA meaning HOW MANY DREAMS.Vera: the name is dervied from the albanish VERE meaning SOMMER.Epirina, the name is dervied from the illirian tribe EPIRUS.Hanna: the name is dervied from the albansih HANA meaning moon.Roman, the name of the capital city of Italia. The name is dervied from the albanish Romulak meaning "round". The city was created by Romolusi and Remusi sons to the doter of Enuet, in other words the dardanians a illyrian tribe.September: the name is dervied from the ancinte city Septempeda a illyrian city from the illyrian tribe Peucetii, located in middle east of Italian half-island. The city havs the same name today.Mari, Maria: the name dervied possibly from the illirian ARDMARIA in albanish ARDHMERIA meaning THE FUTURE.Marhta: the name is derivied from the albanish E MARTE meaning THURSDAY.
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Some translations are rly good while others need to be better taken care of because do not make sense or are missing the meaning.
Kasandra you said Andra means a dream Ka in albanian in Montenegro means to have Sa is how much so i guess Kasandra how much dreams does it has would make more sense.🇲🇪👋🏻
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My mum thinks that Macedonia comes from word Mali Ce i don. Translation would be the land that you want. Greetings from 🇲🇪
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good piece. my name is agan amara. any connections please? thanks
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Hebrew from Apiru, EpirusThe Greeks have never fully admitted that the roots of their civilization sprouted from Thebes – an Egyptian city. Albanians on the other hand have never admitted that Illyria – the old name of their country derived. Albanians never reckoned the founder of Illyria was Kadmus (Cadmus) a Semitic half god and his son Illyrus was named after Phoenician name for god Il, El = god from Babylonian Enlil 'lord wind' the god of air, wind and storms, Hebrew Elohim 'god'. Albanians have never understood that their country had three Semitic names: 1. Illyria (Il, El 'god'), 2. Epir-us (a Greek reading) from Egyptian Apiru 'Hebrew', 3. Pelastia, Pelasgia (from Hebrew Peleset related to Philistia, Palestine).
Albanian is the strangest Indo European language because it doesn't share the word snow with any other Indo European language. That means Albanians didn't come from Caspian Sea with other Indo European tribes but from Phoenician shores.
Albanians claim to be Indo Europeans but the number of indo European words in their language is limited despite of several millennia neighboring pure Indo Europeans.
Since Albanians lack the word for snow their ancestors never saw snow before arriving in the Balkans. Consequently Albanians are the offspring of Cadmus, the children of Phoenicia. Dodona (the epicenter of early Indo European religion) was actually a creation of Dan, a Semitic tribe. Characteristic of Illyrians was the formation of toponyms by duplicating the primary word Dan-Dan = Dodona. Greeks never understood the words of priestess at Dodona because she spoke a Semitic language.
One thing is clear only Egyptians gave women special rights including priesthood. Indo Europeans were actually tough patriarchs so Albanian Indo European descent is excluded. Illyrians were the only Indo European people to have queens similar to Egyptian line of succession while in Greece women were often sold as slaves, treated as prostitutes or secondary citizens. Never did women in Greece climb the stages of hierarchy to public life. They was not allowed to leave home and perform religious ceremonies. Rome had similar laws that prohibited women from priesthood and public duties. So clearly Illyria or Epirus or Pelastia inherited the religion and the laws of Egyptians, Phoenicians and other Semitic people after they were expelled from Thebes.

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E pirë epir (Albanian) means drinking… ilir (Albanian) means freedom, free… also ylli means star. Don’t forget Noah’s ark landed in Ararat mountains which was Pelasgian territory! Troj or troya happened in those territories troje Albanian, means lands!
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Dëborë, Dëbora - snow in albanian language.
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It's really annoying me now, its AlbanIAN not AlbanISH!!!!!!
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Dude, is anyone reminded of...My Big Fat Greek Wedding? "Give me a word, any word, and I will show you how it came from the Greek!" Just remember, Constantin, in the end, we're all fruit! (Some of us more fruity than others!)-Kat
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The funny part is that the role of Gus Porokalos ("Give me a word, any word, and I will show you how it came from the Greek!") is played by the actor Mickael * Constantine * LOLOLOL
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>Some of us more fruity than others!Or nutty...
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I wanna be a banana... :P
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So disappointing...You start poking innocent and well-deserved fun at somebody, and in the end it all comes down to one thing.*sighs and shakes head Gandalf-like*
That is how bad stereotypes about men are born.
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Please, please, stop this right now! It scares the heck out of me!
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The name Isadora or in illirian Issa a ancinte town Issa that was located somewhere in present Bosnia or Croatia. And "dora" meaning "hand" in albanish and even in illirian.any questions
([{Albanian Pride}])
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"Christina, Kristina: a complicated combination of the name CHRIST or KRIST with name KRISHNA."*Chrisell falls off her chair laughing* . . .
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Christina means "head of Chrishna".see for your self then you will understand.....Krish-na
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*Shakes her head in utter disbelief*You really are an idiot, aren't you! Christine is an actual word in English, although not commonly used.It simply means 'Christian'. It is a description of someone who is a follower of Christ. You can have Benedictine Monks (monks of Benedict); you can also have Christine Monks (monks of Christ). I know of at least one Christine Youth Group, meaning Youth Group of Christ.Christine is not, absolutely not, Albanian (there's no such word as Albanish, by the way) or related to the name Krishna. Christina is a variation on Christine - nothing more.Not that my saying so will convince you at all, given that you are completely off your rocker!(TO EVERYONE ELSE: Is there a way to block a particular ISP number? We could eventually get fed up with this!)
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> TO EVERYONE ELSE: Is there a way to block a particular ISP number?There is, but we are supporteres of Hoxha to do so! Actually, our *albanish* (SIC) friend is quite welcome, we all need:
1) some comedy
2) to sharpen our minds by rejecting bogus "arguments" from fanatic nationalists
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This is a time when we need Her Satanicness!
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I agree! Oh Nanaea, Avenging Princess of all that is Dark and Evil, we invoke thee!!...In the meanwhile, a touch of white magic from our favorite witchie-pooh can also come in handy :)
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WHERE THE HELL IS NANEA?!?!?!(retorical??) n/t?
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True & I don't like the idea of blocking anybody either. I'm just thinking about the "strangers" who come here looking for genuine answers, and who are currently getting fed what they may not realise is rubbish, by Thyejdoren/Constantin. Verbal duelling with insane people, yes; allowing the misinformation of innocents, NO! :-)
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:)Verbal duelling with insane people, yes; allowing the misinformation of innocents, NO! :-)Yay to that!
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God you are so ignorant Costantin...completely uneducated!Wake up there's not such thing as Albanian language as there's not even an Albanian nation...Please try to read some true history and read some greek and could be really helpfull to you...
buh ey aih =have a nice reading in Albanish lol
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On Albania and AlbanianAccording to the Oxford Englisd Dictioant II CDROM, the words "Albania" and "Albanian" are derived from the medieval Greek "Alvanos, Arvanites, Alvania, Arvanitia". The Albanian people dont even call themselves Albanian: they call themselves Shiqpetars, and they call Albania Shqipnija. Modern Albanian language itself is a blend of Latin, Turkish, Greek and Slavic.
It should also be noted that prior to the establishment of the Albanian state by the "Great Powers", there no "albanian" nationalism -- what is known today as teh albanians were separated by religion (Islamic "Albanians" were in fact Ottomans, and Christian Albanians gought against the Ottomans, and signifiant number fought on the side of Greece -- many as a matter of fact settled in Greece and aspoused Hellenism (many heros of the Greek revolution against the Ottomans in 1821 were of Arvanite origin, such as Kountouriotes and Bouboulina)
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hey anyone living in kosovo. do u think a big war will come?
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We albanians call us Shqiptar, it means 'eagle' from the black eagle of the albanian flag. Or nation hero Gjerj Castrioti used the eagle as symbol. Gjerj was a man fought against the ottomans. The greek lost against the Ottomans after som battle but the albanians fought along time. Alvanos is a greek form of alban and arvanitia a greek form of arbershe. The arbershe was the people how imigrated to Greece. Or stay'd in greece. Epirus was a part of Albania intell 1912, Balkan War. All the ortodox arbershes got hellenized of the Greek state. Albanians fourfaters is Arberians (arbershe) arberi, mean 'high mounten' albania haves the highest mountens in Balkan. The illirians meaning "free". Pelasigians meaning "old people". The albanian language is a independent language in the branch of indo-european language. Evrey one is trying to steal our cultur, heros, muthology, history, language, country. Albania means "the land of the high landers". Some fue people call them self albanese but not many. The name Albania is dervied from the illirian tribe Arberi or Albani, the word lives on in albanish. Go and study more....
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> Evrey one is trying to steal our cultur, heros, muthology, history, language, countryIs this paranoia, or is this paranoia?
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OR HERE:4jim
Nermin Vlora Falaschi “Etruscan, a Living Language “
Ferdinand Schevill, The Balkans: From the Earliest Times to the Present Day (Ayer Company Publishers 1971)Even though all the people in the balkan pennisula have arrived sometime in the past, only two people are autochthonous and non-barbaric: The Greeks and Albanians, only to languages are autchthonous and great: Greek and Albanian, the first one arriving from the dark depths of the Aegean and written on papyrus and paper; the second one has come through riding the pelasgic nights, carved only in stone, blood and spirits...............Noel Malcolm , Kosovo: A Short History (London: Macmillan, 1998 ) p.31It is clear that Albanian is indeed the only surviving representative (apart from Greek) of an ancient Balkan language: it belongs to the Indo-European family of languages, but exists in a sub-section of its own, with no immediate relatives. If either Illyrian or Thracian could be identified as its parent, this would at least set some fairly clear geographical limits to the early home of the AlbaniansRobert D. Kaplan Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History (Random House Inc. New York 1996) p.43Albanians descend from ancient Illyrian tribes that by some accounts came to the Balkan Peninsula even before the Greeks did, and more than a thousand years before the Slavs. The Albanian language, Shqip, also derives from that of the Illyrian tribes and bears no similarity to any other known tongue.A. Rambraud, L'Empire Grec au X-eme Siecle. p.262The Albanian highlanders continued to serve in the Byzantine Army, but not in the same scale as in the Roman Army. When their food supplies were running low, the highlanders came in the lowlands and pillaged other villages.The Albanian language is the oldest Indo-European idiom
according to WEBSTER’S NEW TWENTIETH CENTURY DICTIONARY, Unabridged Second Edition, De Luxe Color, William Collins and World Publishing Co., Inc., 1975, ISBN: 0-539-048523-3

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No, I want their muthology and I'll stop at nothing to get it!
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merriment, tell me a little about Albany
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Yikes! Pardon my typos!
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I think i missed some funI hate missin the crazy ppl... like... the add so much fun to my life...Thanks to Satu and Ivayla for replying to my previous lil entry
and hey Yahalome (sp???), whats kicking girl? I still have an email for u somewhere on my comp that ive never answered -shame shame on me-To Constantine/Some crazy cult guy hung up on AlbanismYou may be suprised to know that most names are thousands of years old, and hence u have to look at the languages spoken at their time of creation to find their meaning. You can't go telling me that cultures like the Mesopotamians, Egyptians, and Greeks, that had fully established societies with written language, whose citizens have names which are words in their language, and these names through pronunciation changes and language changes have been altered are related to the modern day Albanian language, ur off ur rocker!You can take any name, pronounce it a little odd and relate it to something. Hell, Albanian is a new language compared to a lot of the names you are claiming it is related to. Rome was established in 1000 BCE, but it wasn't until 753 BCE that a historian Livy created the story of Romulus and Remes who were sons of MARS, that's the the Tribunal assembly of Rome often met in the Field of MARS, and the ppl of Rome believed they were destined to conquer the world as they were decents of MARS.Look... all names are from modern English (pardon as i use all ur names)Magia is from the English MA GAY, meaning 'your mother is happy'
SATU is from SAT YOU, meaning 'to sit on someone'
PAVLOS is from PA FLOSS meaning 'to floss your fathers teeth'
AVA is from AFA a common short form of Alfala... which we all know is ever popular

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LOL! In this case, Constantin is from the French "Con" mening...Cu... well, forget it :P
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Aaah, haaah!Yeah, let's try with Swedish!Caprice is derived from "kapris", meaning capers
Chrisell is derived from "kris" and "säl", meaning seal in crisis
Daniel is derived from "dansk" and "el", meaning electric Dane
Silver is derived from "sil" and "värk", meaning aching colander
Miranda is derived from "mil" (Swedish measure, 10 km) and "rand", meaning 10 km of stripes
Michelle is derived from "min" and "källa", meaning my source
Ava is derived from "avig", meaning wrong side
Magia is derived from "mage", meaning tummy
Pavlos is derived from "kavel" and "os", meaning smoking rolling pin
Satu is derived from "sade du", meaning you said
Ivayla is derived from "iväg" och "land", meaning off to the land
Constantin, finally, is derived from "konstig" and "ting", meaning strange thing :)Yeah, that was fun. Swedish is so easy :)
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Ooh ooh! Do mine! la la.
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Jordan is derived from "jord" and "dans", hence a dance in soil
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Could that be loosely translated as "mudwrestler"?That'd be fun. : D
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Chrisell is derived from "kris" and "säl", meaning seal in crisisROTFL! I really am! Seal in crisis, that's fabulous!
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try to translate this names in SwedishAlban
the name Caprice is dervied from albanish 'kap e breshe' meanng 'take it and destroy it'.
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Why would it be hard for me?Alban is derived from "al" and "band", meaning alder bond
Arber is from "arm" and "be", meaning begging arm
Adelina is from "adel" and "lina", meaning noble wire
Illyriana is from "iller" and "lian", meaning an polecat in a liana
Alexander is from "läxa" and "sand", meaning homework sand
Cassander is from "kasse" and "sönder", meaning broken plastic bag
Odysse is from "ord" and "dessa", meaning these words
Adrian is from "av" and "ren", meaning of the reindeer
Atalanta is from "apel" and "lampa", meaning a lamp in an apple tree
Paul is from "par" and "ull" meaning a pair in wool
Pelagia is from "pelare" and "aga", meaning to cane a pillar
Theodora is from "te" och "dåre", meaning tea maniacSe, det gick väl smidigt? :)
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OopsLeft the translations out:
Alban - from the ancient Slavic (or Slavish :P) "bania" - one who bathes
Arber - from the Slavic "berja" - one who picks flowers
Adelina - from "ad" + "linia" - the path to hell
Illyana - from "ili" and "ana" - or Ana
Illyriana - from "ili", "ira" and "ana" - either Ana or Ira (given to a girl whose parents could not decide on how to name her)
Odysse - from "hodi se..." - go and [do things] to yourself
Atalanta - from "talant" - the talented one
Pelagia - from "ne lazha" - the one who does not lie
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"My aunt lives in a swamp" ROFL!a
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Hold up Silver what do you mean the albanian language is new it is much more older than the greek or latin language. The greeks were created after the Trojan war. The greek language is much more younger than the albanish, it is thanx to the illirians that they made the greek and latin language so riche. There is noway that the greek language could creat so quikly as it did, the illirians help'd the greeks creat the greek language. The illirians named greek and latin words after illirian people. The word Vera means something in latin but in albanish it means "Sommer". Constant, Damnus, Corcyre is latin words with albanish backrounds. Alexander the great was illirian his mother Olympia, prinses of Epirus and his father Philip from Macedonia, the macedonians were a illirian tribe, ma ce dhen means "you have said it". Somedays before Alexander was born Olympia had a dream, i don't remeber the hole story but she had a dream about she given birth. When the day came, when she gave birth to Alexander it was like in the dream. Olympia said in illirian "ka le si ander" in albanish "ka le si enderr" meaning "born like in the dream". Is it not more specific than alex-ander as greeks translate. Aristolote was born in Stageira a city in Macedonia. Aristoltes mother Festia or Festias had a 100 procent macedonian or illirian blood and his father was half macedonian (illirian) and half greek. Aristolte could speek the illirian language but he wrote in greek because the illiran language wasen't no writting language. I can translate greek, latin, gods, heros, astronomers, words, places all over the world with the help of the pelasigian, illiran and the albanian language. The city Troya was located in present Turkey in the mythology but in the history the city was located in Dardania somewhere in present Herzegovinia. The albanian words "trojet tona" means "our place", what do you think about that.
Each divinity in the mythology is explained by the albanian language. The illirans gave in greek the senses after.

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You are so stupid all those names are greek you idiot
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(1) Excuse me, but how did the Illyrians pre-exist the Greeks, when the word "Illyria" is derived from the Greek "Illyria" (according to my trusry Oxford English Dictionary CDROM)?(2) Alexander was indeed a Macedonian! And like all Macedonians he spoke Greek, worshiped teh Greek Gods and participated in the Olympics.(3) Dont intentionally confound the macedonian (northern Greek) people and culture of classical times with the newly-founded country of "FYRO Macedonia", whose people and language are related to Bulgaria!(4) As far as your laughable Micky Mouse etymologies of Hellenic Gods, no comments...
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LOL. The Greeks were created after the Trojan War?Wait a second... then who FOUGHT that war? And why is The Odyssey a Greek poem?woah, Nelly.Hey... what do y'all think of the name Nelly?Michelle
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ahahahahahahahahaha...ahahahahahahahahaha.. I kind of feel sorry for him. .
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-giggles-god u just repeat urself!
I'll pray for u to Saint Dymphia...
patron saint of lunitics...Oh lord and please dont continue ur tirade
a) no one cares
b) u make no sense
c) ur insaneMuch love and pretty white jackets with buckles tho,
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What is the point in trying to teach everyone "a lesson" and then deffend your "theories" by copy/pasting HUGE chunks of text, stolen from someone elses literature?? :os
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OK, Constantin, what does "Pocahontas" mean then? :)
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I never heard about the name Pocahontas i never heard about the name in some mythology but the name Irene is dervied from the illirian I RENE in albanish I RENE meaning something with Liear. The name Illyana is dervied from the gheg albanish Illyr name of the people illyrians or in tosk albanish illirians. ILLYR is dervied from the albanish I LIRE meaning FREE. The famous astronmer Ptolmy Cladius from Alexandria, in greek Ptolmais, his real name was Ptolmene meaning in illiran VERY CLEAV'R from the illirian word PTOL MENE in albanish PLOT MENE.I can keep translating name of greek gods, heros, astronmers, word, places around the world forever with the help of the illirian and the albanish language. What does Sweden or Suedia means in albanish Cudia meaning Underverk, mirakel. Vad tror du om det Caprice. The name Justianus is dervied from the king of the Byzance Justnian. Justin was a king of the Byzance and was uncle to Justianus. They bouth were illirians they were born in Skopje present Macedonia. There was a city in Dardania present Kosovo that was named Justinopel. Troya was a city in Dardania in the history. The city was located somewhere in present Herzegovinia. There is two words in albanish that can explain the name Troya. NE TROJAT TONA meaning OUR PLACE.
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Sweden means "nation of friends" or "nation of the pig people" (because we used to eat a lot of pork):)
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Pocahontas means "Spoiled Child". DUHA
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the name Pocahontas in albanish "po ka han" means something with "eating".
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Please provide us teh *albanish* meanings behind Picachu, Scooby-Do and Tweety!
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A serious post in this threadPikachu means "electric mouse". Because, well, Pikachu's an electric mouse pokémon*."Chu" is Japanese for the squeaking that a mouse makes. "Pika" means "electricity". "Pika-pika hikaru" is Japanese for "stroke of lightening". (, which has unfortunately gone over it's transfer limit for the day, so I can't directly link to Pikachu's page. Just click on "Satoshi's Pokémon--Kanto Region & Orange Islands" when the page is available again.)*"Pokémon" is supposed to be only capitalised if it's referring to the *show* Pokémon. Pokémon, as in the creatures themselves, isn't capitalised any more than "dogs" or "cats" is. The individual pokémon species, however, such as Growlithe or Weezing (Weezing, people, not Wheezing!), are capitalised since they're analogous to, say, Great Dane. Oh, and the "pokémon" in plural as well as singular.Miranda (who freely admits she's obsessed ^_^)
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Pi is small?!?!?! A flu-ridden voyeur?!?!? ROFLISCH
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No no no. Those are all wrong, Magia.These names are all derived from elements of the Amerikish language.POCAHONTAS - derived from "polka" and "haunt us" meaning "polka dots are your worst nightmare"PIKACHU - derived from "peek" and either "at you" or "achoo" meaning "a peeping Tom with the flu"SCOOBY-DO - derived from "scoop" and "doo doo" meaning "pooper scooper"TWEETY - derived from "tweed" and "itty" meaning "tiny woolen jacket"
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I'll do it!POCAHONTAS. From the "Latinish" elements POCAS-meaning "a few" and "JUNTAS" -menaing "mates". POCASJUNTAS meaning "a few mates"PICACHU. form the "Archemidish" element PI - menaing "3.14159265" and the "Guatemalish" element CACHU -menaing "a little" PICACHU. "meaning "3.14159265 is a little"SCOOBY-DO. From the "Etruscanish" element SCOPA -meaning "broomstick" and DO - meaning "off" . SCOPADO meaning "brushed off"
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I'll do it!POCAHONTAS. From the "Latinish" elements POCAS-meaning "a few" and "JUNTAS" -menaing "mates". POCASJUNTAS meaning "a few mates"PICACHU. form the "Archemidish" element PI - menaing "3.14159265" and the "Guatemalish" element CACHU -menaing "a little" PICACHU. "meaning "3.14159265 is a little"SCOOBY-DO. From the "Etruscanish" element SCOPA -meaning "broomstick" and DO - meaning "off" . SCOPADO meaning "brushed off"
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Fun, but utterly bogus! ROTFL!Are you some kind of provocateur, trying to give Albabias a bad image?
How about giving us the meaning of some *real* Albanian names, like Hoxha?
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Hej Constantin,This list could be interesting for the opinion board (but please tell them that it is fun stuff ;) ), but I think here everybody is just interested in REAL meanings and origins and not in your invented ones...- Ta inte illa upp nu... ;)Satu
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Are you kidding, or do you really BELIEVE all names are originally Albanian!? Sorry, they aren't. Why not post the meanings for some REAL Albanian names instead. I only know that Lule means "flowers".
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lol, no kiddin?? This is a weird, weird world...
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Constantin, are you a copy-cat or an MPD?In other words, did you copy Thyejdoren's post, or are you Thyejdoren signing in as two people?
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Name of places and greek gods from the albanian language.Ivayla i am the Breaker Hand = Thyejdoren. If any here dont belive that all this 60 name aint albanish buy your self a english-albanish dictionary and see for you self if im wrong or not. Caprice have you ever heard about the dance Luleander well the illirians invented the dance, the name is dervied from the illirian LULE ANDER in albanish LULE ENDERR meaning DREAMING OF FLOWERS many girls are named LULEJETA meaning LIFE OF A FLOWER, there some fue girls that is named LULEANDRA. Satu din svenska tönt tror inte att jag förstår vad du säger jag kan snacka flera spåk. The albanian civilazation have reached many culturs and influnce them. The mame England is dervied from the albanish ENGJELL meaning ANGEL. ENGLAND means THE LAND OF THE ANGELS. Holland or even know as NETHERLAND or in swedish NEDERLÄNDERNA the name is dervied from the ilirian NE ANDER LAND in albanish NE ENDERR LAND meaning IN THE DREAM LAND. A place in Danmark is call'd YLLAND the name is dervied from the albanish YLL LAND meaning THE LAND OF THE STARS. A plce in Sweden is call'd Skaneland the name i s allso dervied from the albanish S'KANE LAND meaning THEY DONT HAVE NO LAND. The name of the MEDITERRANEAN SEA is dervied from the albanish ME DITE RRAN meaning THE FOLIN
From Hesiod: c.700 B.C., the opening lines of 'Theogony', 'Genesis of the Gods'."Verily at the first Chaos came to be, but next wide-bosomed Earth (Ge),
the ever-sure foundation of all the deathless ones who hold the peaks of
snowy olympus, and dim Tartarus in the depth of the wide-path Earth, and Eros

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Illyrian mythologyINTRODUCTION…
…is unfortunately needed, this time. The thing is composed of three parts, one of which is composed of two parts. The first one made some sense but didn't live up to expectations, mainly because *mumbles* I-forgot-what-I-indented-to-write-next *sigh*. The second and third parts are a uniquely sublime display of half-witted-ness and incoherence, let’s just forget about them. The fourth part is about cockroaches. I quite like it. The fifth (or the fourth, depends on how you count it) is a little addenda I felt like adding because “Some Things Were Just Too Much”. It’s mostly pointless, anyway. On the whole, this is the most embarrassing display of pathetic incoherence I have ever produced. Hopefully, it won’t get any worse. I won’t correct it anymore basically ‘cause I lost heart for it, completely. But I wrote the Albanian Etymological Dictionary thing instead.
“Man is good, people are bad.”
D-chan after a certain Jean Jacques Rousseau“Man is bad, people are worse.”
Sara, after sneering at D-chanWhen thinking about the reasons of the current situation in Kosovo – or rather what is left of it- it is most vital to always bear in mind that there are some cruel streaks in human nature that are not due to post-Czarnobyl mutations and timely interventions of the powers-that-be .An average man, who, we should not forget, is a species of animal, is a flexible creature who, if encouraged properly, can easily make habit of something, genocide included. An average man is, too, a simple, yet self-contented creature, who’d rather blame his own, to put it mildly, lack of success on Jeanne D’Arc, King Henry VII or Quetzalcoatl, the god, rather than himself.

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Jesus Christ what IS this!? Are you a member of a sect or what!?Och så kan du sluta kalla Satu för "svenska tönt", hon är ingen tönt, och dessutom är hon tysk! Jag är däremot svensk och skall be att få upplysa dig om att det heter Skåne och Jylland, inte Skaneland och Ylland.
Netherlands means "the low lands", England is derived from Anglia (Latin, I think), which means "angle" and Mediterranean means "in the middle of the earth".Stop this right now, please!
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AnglesJust jumping in here...England's derived from Anglia/Land of Angles. It means "angel." I don't know if yours was an accidental mispelling of that or if you really meant "angle."Anyways. The Angles were a tribe so named by the Romans because of their pale appearance. The Romans thought they looked like angels.Michelle
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Also Angles are one of the first people to set home in England.
The Angles came from the east and developed in the artistical aspect and became the origings of the Anglo culture.
If your name is Angles... Be sure you are a pure 100% British
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Svensk tönt... vilken väluppfostrad, bussig småpojke! ;)I början trodde man väl att han var lite knäpp helt enkelt... Bäst att ignorera honom! Tack för att du skrev det du skrev, Caprice!Ignore this guy!Satu, svenska tönten ;)
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There is a theory of Albanians as descendants of Atlant, the lost continent. One of the oldest Illyrian tribes though was called Taulant (thau land) = dry land and in Asia there was another Illyrian settlement which now is called Thailand. There are three places called Albany 1. A city near London [Albany; it was said that there the first Christian roman soldier was killed] 2. Central Albania [actually Albanoi = Alb banoi - there lived Alb or the Alp mountainous people, people that lived in the (h)ill there is no coincidence that the greatest Albanian colony in Asia near China and Turkmenistan is located in very high ground along the longest river called Il 3. A country in Caucasus region near Caspian Sea. Why did Alexander the Great rush to India? Africa was certainly richer in gold and specially in diamonds and it would be much easier to conquer the black nation rather than the populated and well fortified India. Why should he go through so many perils, pass difficult paths through treacherous mountains when he had the great fleet in the Mediterranean when a shortcut to the south would have provided him with the greatest treasures in the world? The explanation is that he followed the path of previous Aryans. If there wasn't any previous expedition towards India he would have never dared to go to a dangerous land. Outnumbered several fold by the indigenous population he marched as if he was sightseeing rather than conquering India. Even by modern means of communication it would have been difficult to travel nowadays so fast through three continents. The truth is that he stopped over in those places where there were old Aryan settlements. The same as today we use gas stations in USA & Europe to tank our car with petrol on a trip to the country side. His losses were so minimal because most of those who died, expired under the harsh weather conditions.

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Did you know that Etruscan is Albanian? Here are some examples from "Ancient Linguistic Associations in the Mediterranean," Nermin Vlora Falaschi, Epigrapnic Society Occasional Papers Volume 23, 1998.Etruscan Albanian EnglishSarcophagus from the Arch. Museum in Siena
Arno Arno Creator
se se since
n në in the
yi yj stars
na na for us
ye je you are
cume kumtime commemoration
resa rezava of the RaysMeaning: Creator, since among the stars you are for us, [you deserve] the commemoration of the Rese [Etruscans].Inscription No. 31 from south Portugal
arnoa arnoa From the Creator
izna isona protection
i i to him
atkon takon is due
thi thi peerlessMeaning: Because he is peerless, to him is due protection from the Creator.Temple inscription at Apollonia in Albania:
fimia Fëmia the child
hiyneron hyjnëron is deified
haire hajër for the goodMeaning: The child [entrusted to this little temple] has become divine. Be it for the Supreme Good.Inscription from Durrës:
eynoia e yjnoia deify it
bene bëne make it
toy tuajn thine
haire Hajër for the GoodMeaning: [And I beg Thee, my Lord] deify his soul and make it completely thine. Be it for the Surpeme Good.Stelle No. 22 from southern Portugal:
ia ia I have
apa apa dedicated
yynoriz yjnoris to the celestial beings
ni në in
ro ro lifeMeaning: I have dedicated [this stele] to the celestial beings while I was still living.
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o_O;; That was scary.a
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I am smittenand ROTFL
Please continue...
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This *is* fun!
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