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name meaning
I searched your web site trying to find a meanig for my name and the closest I could come was Juana. Could you please help me find a meaning for my name? I am a 26 year old black female born in Jacksonville Florida.
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Your name could be a combination of the Spanish names Juan and David(in Spanish prn duh-VEED). In Spanish, it is very comon that people with first and middle names get called a combination of both. Example of this is
famous Colombian singer Juanes, who's full name is Juan Esteban. Popular forms of girls names to illustrate this are Marite(muree-TEH), which is short for Maria Teresa or Marielos(muree-EH-los) which is short for Maria de los Angeles.Hope this helps,
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Your name sounds like a combination of Juana and Yolanda to me. It also might be just creative spelling of Juana.
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