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What does the name "Urte" mean?
I am wondering what the name "Urte" may mean. It is German (or Germanic) in origin (I think), and it is a girl's name. Any ideas?
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Urte also means "herb" in Norwegian, I think.
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Hej Caprice,Herbs is "urt" in Danish and Norwegian. Composition words have got an e behind:urtehave [urt + have] (herbs garden in Danish)
urtesuppe [urt + suppe] (herbs soup in Danish)This has got nothing to do with the name Urte (but I always think of it when I meet a woman named Urte! ;) )Gonatt!
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Hi Toby,Urte is a German short form of German names beginning with Ort-e.g.Orthild = peak (of a weapon) + battle
Ortrud = peak (of a weapon) + strength
Ortrun = peak (of a weapon) + secret lore etc.So the meaning of Urte is "peak (of a weapon)".I've heard that in other languages Urte can be a short form for:Dorothea (Latvian?, Lithuanian?)
Ruth (Basque)Regards, Satu
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