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Irish name
Evan - Is it now definatley irish, welsh or scottish?
Are there any other variants of spelling like Aven?Is the name Aven irish? If not, do u know anything about it?Thnx
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I believe 'Avon' means 'river'...which makes sense 'cos it is one. I'd guess that the name Evan could be related. But as for the origin, I'm not certain, sorry. It could even be Pictish, I've no idea.
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Evan is the Welsh variant of the English name John. (Ryan is the Irish, Ian is the Scottish.)I have come across the name Aeven in Irish mythology -- perhaps Aven is related?Variants of Evan include Ewan and Euan.
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Thanx Miranda & Zorya. Do you have the link to the site about the name you came across? I mean Aeven??
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Aveen is an Irish girls name
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Seán is the Irish version of John.a
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