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I know the name Melissa means "bee."
But I was eating a cough drop that listed its flavor in a lot of languages:Lemon Mint
Citron-Melisse (accent on first "e")
Melissa Limoncellawhich leads me to believe that Melissa means "mint". Does it?
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Actually Melisse in German is a plant, it has nothing to do with mint it means "balm" (according to my dictionary)
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Hi Oceane,In my dictionaries the English word for Citron-Mélisse (French) / Zitronenmelisse (German) / Melissa Limoncella (Italian) is "balm" or "balmmint".The melisse-/melissa-part of the words has got the same Greek root as the name Melissa, which means bee, not mint.In Middle Latin the plant was called 'melissa', which comes from the Greek-Latin plant name 'melissó-phyllon' which means "bee leaf".Regards, Satu
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