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Is Joes a variant or Latin form of Johann?
In the church books, my German ancestor Johann Peter (1774-1837) is constantly mentioned as Joes Petrus. I looked Joes up in a Dutch first name book, and there it said that Joes is a variant of Joseph. But I'm certain that my ancestor is called Johann Peter, not Jozef Peter.Could Joes perhaps be the German latinate form of Johann? In church books they always write down the Latin variant of the first and middle names. For example, his son is called Carolus Maximilianus in the church books, but in the civil registry, he is mentioned as Karl Maximilian.Can someone please help me out with this? Thank you very much in advance!Regards,Lucille
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Hi Lucille (prettige Kerstmis!)Joes is a short form of both Josef and Johannes.Regards, Satu
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Thanks! :-DHi Satu (vrolijk kerstfeest!), ;-)So, since it's only a shortening, should I just put Johannes Petrus in my genealogical computer-programme as his official name? Or should Joes Petrus be considered to be the official name?To me, Joes sounds more like a nickname... if I had to 'give' that as the official name, it's like someone's real first name being Ed instead of Edward... if you see what I mean. :-SRegards,Lucille
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Joes would only be an abbrieviation of Johannes and not a short-form or nickname (especially considering German was the lingua franca). So I would record the full Johannes Petrus.An equivalent would be the seemingly defunct English custom of abbrieviating Joseph as Jos. or William as Wm. on signage and such.
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In genealogy the practice is to always use standardized (i.e. modern) versions of names. Standardized in the language that the names bearer spoke. In this case Johann Peter is what you enter in your genealogy program.
The same applies also for those who emigrated to other countries. German born persons with names like, for instance, Karl, Heinrich, Wilhelm or Jürgen should be written so, even if they left Germany for the Americas, and not as Charles, Henry, William or George.
The names of their children born in the new countries are of course written with English name forms though.There is one exception, though: kings and queens, emperors and other royalty. If you have Friedrich der Große in your genealogical material, you may write his name as Frederick the Great, if English is your language.
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The churchbook entries that look like "Joes" might be abbreviations of "Johannes".
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