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Hi! I have seen this name on a few websites with Arabic names, but also on a site that listed it as a Slavic name meaning "fighter". Can anyone tell me if it's an Arabic name, and if so, what does it mean?Thanks!
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kayden in arabic means " companion " and is spelled kaden or kadin
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Kayden looks like a variation of Caden to me. Caden may also be spelt Kaden or Cayden.Click on the hyperlinks for more information.Miranda
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well i was looking up the name kayden in a variety of its spelling and in arabic it means companion.
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Oops: "Spelled" not "spelt".a
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I think that "spelt" or "spellt" was the accepted version before they tried to standardize the English language and started using -ed for past tense.Also, just so you know, "hoped" was the past tense of "help" in some places. In several isolated parts of this country, it is still used.Michelle
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We use spelt here instead of spelledSpelled looks really strange and wrong to me. We also say spoilt instead of spoiled.
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Properly, we Americans use -ed, but I often use -t 'cause I think it looks nicer, for I've grown up reading King James English and Tolkein. Sometimes it takes me a minute to adjust to speaking Modern English! Quite regularly I find that SpellCheck throws a fit over my random mixture of American, British, and Old English.
Y :)
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It's more commonly spelled Kaden? (found a meaning-- companion) and it's definitely Arabic. I have found it in numerous places including a baby naming book.Mostly, I need to know HOW to pronounce it (in Arabic) Anywhere you can send me?Thanks!
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I am of no use to you really. I just wanted to say I really like that name! Good choice!
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