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background and meaning of first name
I am female of african american origins along with cherokee and blackfoot indian on my mother and grandparents side of the family. I hope you can help me with the background and meaning of my first name. I have never known but, always wondered about it.
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background and meaning of first name  ·  Twila Limer  ·  12/18/2003, 6:37 PM
Re: background and meaning of first name  ·  Twila  ·  1/25/2004, 7:12 AM
Re: background and meaning of first name  ·  rykendrick  ·  1/8/2004, 10:20 AM
Re: background and meaning of first name  ·  Satu  ·  12/18/2003, 9:57 PM
Re: background and meaning of first name  ·  Miranda  ·  12/18/2003, 7:10 PM