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activities/games to help children learn what their names mean
I am hosting a party for 12 kids under the age of 2. (Yes, that's right.) Anyway, I'd like to come up with some activities to help the kids learn what their names mean or some art projects incorporating the kids' names. Any ideas?Thanks for the help!
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Well, since two-year-olds generally need to be kept interested all the time, maybe you could have something organized where they draw what their name means, or try to sculpt it out of clay. But they may or may not enjoy it...
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My idea is that it's doomed to failure. When they're about ten, they'll be fascinated. Right now, they hardly know the difference between names and words. Stick to finger food, and make toys available for them to play with. It's not a sociable age. (But, I'd be delighted to be proved wrong!)All the best
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