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Does anyone know the meaning of this surname?
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I'm pretty sure it's a variant of Shapiro.Meanings:Jewish; from Hebrew shapir which means "pretty, lovely".Or somehow derived from the name of the city of Speyer.
The city of Speyer in Rhenish Bavaria, Germany has given us many name forms. The Jews first settled there at the end of the eleventh century and were compelled to leave in the middle of the fourteenth century. Large numbers of these Jews settled in Poland, Bohemia, Hungary, and Russia and their name variants are Shapiro, Spira, Spire, Spiro, Spero, Chapiro, Sprai, Szpir, Saphir and Spear.
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Mi bisabuelo Joseph nació en Bohemia, en 1861al igual que mi abuelo, Bernhard (1898).Mi padre Peter,nació en Viena en 1921. Quisiera rastrear mi tatarabuelo y anteriores y datos respecto a sus procedencias. Gracias
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You're welcome!
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