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Pronunciation of TRISTÃO?
Wondering about pronunciation of the Portuguese name Tristão.

This message was edited 1/28/2008, 6:56 PM

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Pronunciation of TRISTÃO?  ·  nessime  ·  1/28/2008, 4:59 PM
tris-TOW n/t  ·  Caprice (nsi, writing from job)  ·  1/29/2008, 4:28 AM
Well, that's the closest in English you could get...  ·  penguiny7  ·  1/29/2008, 7:19 AM
Yeah, it's more of a nasal sound, more like "ahn" n/t  ·  Caprice  ·  1/29/2008, 1:26 PM
I thought it was kind of like "owng"? nt  ·  lcgirl20  ·  1/29/2008, 3:07 PM